Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Resistance

So not everyone was hot on the idea of having their picture posted on an impeachment blog. We managed to get pictures of about 1/4 of the people we approached, but that's not counting the ones who avoided eye contact or ran across the street (no shit--it happened twice) when they saw us coming in our Impeach Bush t-shirts (holler Hobby Lobby). I can't say I blame them, but I do. Here are a few of the better (or worse, depending) rejections we got on the first day out:
  • "Who cares?"
  • "Let it be over. Let it be done." (not a reference to the war, sadly)
  • "It's almost over anyway." (... exactly)
  • "It takes too long. It'll never happen."
  • "You gotta love him." (referring to Bush... and no, fugly sir, we don't)
  • "Yeah, but I don't think you're gonna do it." (in response to the question, "Do you support the impeachment of President Bush?")
  • "Yeah, but then Dick Cheney would be president." (good point, so now we're pushing for both of them to be impeached... we're working on getting more letters for the t-shirts)
  • "I gotta eat first." (hmmm)
Thanks for supporting the war.

And a real thanks to our 33 (mostly) new friends who got their pose on for peace. Just spectacular!


Day 1, Part 4


Audrey Reynolds, certified rock star, from Austin:

Thomas, Elaine and Amala from Austin (they were born in the '90s!!! what what future):

Tommy w/ Michelle Guzman from Austin (it ain't pretty, but we'll strip for peace, especially when asked by a hot lady... or a hot guy):

Dennis from Austin, Seattle and Illinois (the camera man, our wicked sweet neighbor):

Day 1, Part 2

John and Jenny from Austin, thank you both:

Katie, Tyler and Callie from Austin--sososo kind:

Laura from Austin, breaking from her work out to say no to Bush:

Beautiful Lucy and Lucas from Austin, TX:

Madeline Rivera from Austin--love everything about it:

Day 1, Part 1


Alison, Eric, Christine, Ashley and Claire from Ashville, NC--fantastic fantastic:

The lovely Londoner, Angie Fitzpatrick:

Billy Nachman from Austin, TX--thoughtful, truthful, thanks:

Courtney Meador from Austin, TX--outstanding energy:

Terrific trio (puke, but we're tired, and they are): Jessica from Austin, Carmello from Detroit and James from Austin:


My roommate Lennie and I started this blog to show that real people care about what's happening outside of their zip codes. Today, we walked from our place in South Austin to the Congress Ave. Bridge, asking whoever we passed if they'd let us take their picture for a blog supporting the impeachment of President Bush.

From now on, we'll be posting the faces of brave people--American born and not--who stand united against the terrorist Bush regime. We'll keep posting until the rich white guys and Condi-con stop enabling the deaths of honorable American soldiers and countless unarmed people. We support the troops, not the criminal Administration.

Peace, Tommy

p.s. I'll keep the Aaron Sorkining to a minimum.

Lennie Summers, 23, from Austin and Coppell (I guess this is better than "Lezzy Against Bush"):

Tommy O'Malley, 24, from Austin and Boston--Bush free since 2003:

I was still in high school. I didn't know any better. This was January 2002: